How to Print to Console in Javascript

In this topic, I’ll cover a very common practice that is useful while developing web applications in Javascript to be able to inspect or debug code.

The most common way to print information to the console is by using the console.log() method. This will print the message to the browser’s console.

Basic Example

 console.log('Hello world!'); 
The above example will print “Hello world!” in the browser’s console.

Printing Variables

var name = 'James'; console.log(name); 
The above example will print “James” in the browser’s console.

Printing Multiple Values

var name = 'James';
var age = '20 years';
 console.log('Name:', name, 'Age:', age); 
The above example will print the name and age to the console.

Printing Errors

console.error('This is an error message');  
The above example will print the error. It is pretty useful as most browsers highlight the errors in red color.

The console object is a very valuable Javascript tool as it can be used in almost all the web applications to debug or to inspect.

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